The Safe Harbor To-Go Bags Program was created to provide anyone who is being trafficked or vulnerable to being trafficked with helpful items and safety tools. Each bag contains items such as snacks, a change of clothes, and toiletries. These bags are meant to decrease a young person’s vulnerability and support them in safety planning and harm reduction. Locations such as A Friend’s House Youth Shelter and Center for Hope would have these bags available to youth.

Registration is free and required. To register, select each program image and fill out the requested form.
Virtually on Zoom - Tuesday, January 7, 2025, from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The virtual training will cover the forced sex and labor trafficking industries and the impact of this abusive pattern of behavior on trafficking survivors. The training will also include information on Orange County Safe Harbor Program, which is the County’s response to Child Sex Trafficking. Please join us as we explore together ways to support survivors of trafficking and hold offenders accountable. -
January 11th is Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Join Fearless! in wearing blue to honor survivors of human trafficking. Human trafficking is a crime of exploitation, where an individual of any race, gender, sexuality, and nationality is forced, defrauded, and coerced into commercial sex or forced labor. -
Virtually on Zoom - Tuesday, January 14, 2025, from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Am Little Red is an animated short film aimed at children most at risk for sex trafficking by providing a modern take on the classic Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale. Its narrator outlines awareness and preventative measures that can help Little Red (child/youth) stay safe from tactics typically used by a Wolf (trafficker) to lure Little Red off their path.