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Prevention Education

Prevention and Education
One in three adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of
physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse from a dating partner [1].

Fearless! advocates to eliminate all forms of intimate partner violence and believe community collaboration is vital. Our partnerships with schools and youth programs help create safer schools and individuals. In addition to the workshops listed below, our partners have made it possible for us to provide:

  • individual supportive counseling
  • complete orders of protections
  • ensure survivor-centered enforcement of orders of protection
  • provide job-specific training regarding teen dating violence and bullying at all levels
  • provide support to administrators and staff in addressing teen dating violence and bullying,
  • connect with administrators and staff experiencing intimate partner violence in their personal lives.

 For more information on how we can support your school or youth program, call our hotline at 845-562-5340.

Mentors in Violence Prevention

We are trained to implement the Mentors in Violence Prevention Program, an evidence-based, age-appropriate, and engaging bystander approach to preventing violence. The goals of MVP include raising awareness, challenging thinking, creating open dialogue, and inspiring leadership. Through MVP, youth become empowered leaders and passionate social-justice activists and work to develop a climate of safety for all - both in their school and their community.

Teen Dating Violence 101 & Healthy Relationships

Often done in health or gym classes, this is the first time youth learn about Teen Dating Violence. Our interactive workshops include an overview of warning signs, what is Teen Dating Violence, and how to get support for someone experiencing abuse in a relationship. We also explore setting boundaries, consent, and what keeps a healthy relationship together.

Bullying & Bystander Empowerment

Bullying is an issue, but how do we stop it? Our bullying workshops offer students a space to discuss bullying and how to address it. What gives bullies power, and what takes away their power? We’ll provide solutions for students experiencing and/or witnessing bullying.

Dating & Technology Safety for Parents/Caregivers

A space for parents and caregivers to connect and discuss safe dating, consent, technology safety, and how to identify warning signs of teen dating violence. Social media and smartphones have created new ways for youth to connect with each other and have safety concerns. We will discuss different apps and social media used by teens and safety planning.

Teen Dating Violence 101 (For School Staff)

It can be challenging to assess the concern for safety in teen dating relationships. Is it young love, or is it dangerous? What are the warning signs? How do we respond? How can Fearless! be a resource? This workshop is available at all levels for staff, including educators, counselors, social workers, administrators, and security personnel.

Creating a Safer School

Explore administrative policy and procedure that fosters a safer climate for victims and survivors of teen dating violence and bullying. Creating change happens at all levels. This workshop is offered as a resource to school administrators to support schools in creating survivor-centered policies and safer student environments.

Create your own workshop by letting us know what you need! Our Education & Prevention advocates are here to create workshops to fit the needs of your school or organization. 

[1], “Dating Abuse Statistics,” August 2014.

Our Fearless! Education Program is partially funded by:

Orange County Youth Bureau and Sullivan County Youth Bureau

Sullivan County Youth Bureau Logo

Orange County Youth Bureau Logo

How We Helped in 2024

  • Hotline Calls


  • Nights of Safety


  • Advocacy Services


  • Adults & Children Served


  • Supportive Counseling Services


  • List Until 4/24/25

    4/21/24 - Brunch Sponsor

  • 10/1/23 & 4/21/24 – Brunch Sponsor

  • 10/22, 10/23 & 10/24 - Media Champion 5K

  • List Until – 4/21/25
    4/21/24 & 10/1/23 – Brunch Sponsor

  • List Until 04/2026

    04/25 - Brunch Sponsor
    2024 Corporate Sponsor
    10/1/23 – Brunch Sponsor

  • List Until - 4/21/25

    04/21/24 - Brunch Sponsor

  • 2024 Corporate Sponsor

  • List Until – 04/21/25

    4/21/24 - Brunch Sponsor

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